Update 0.2

The sandbox mode has been expanded into something that is not only playable but also (hopefully) enjoyable. Therefore the release status has been changed from "Prototype" to "In Development".

We're also starting off our Discord server today. It's still a bit empty, but we will share our future development updates there and have polls where you can decide which features we should focus on. Be one of the first to join our community: https://discord.gg/VVfPERzZvR

And now to the hard facts on what has changed in the current version of Relics of the Forgotten:

Major Changes

-Added 2 new quests to introduce some of the  future career paths. Talk to the alchemist and the guard captain to start them.

-The blacksmith offers a repair service now, that allows you to restore the durability of a damaged item.

-The crime system has been expanded. Attacking non-hostile NPCs will incur a bounty on you. Other characters will stop talking to you until you either pay a fine to one of the guards or do your time in jail.

And these are just the ones you know about.

Minor Changes

-Save files carry over across to new game versions now. I'll try to make future versions compatible to previous saves.

-The starting equipment is now more suitable to the player character's skills.

-The "Nightvision" and "Blindness" status effects have been fully implemented.

-The lighting system has been reworked to improve the overall visibility, especially at nighttime.

-Added a variety of different sound effects and a corresponding volume slider in the settings menu.

-Some interiors for buildings have been added.

-Characters have proper names now, instead of placeholders.

-Characters look at your face when you talk to them.

Oi, my eyes are up here!

-A subtle change, but human characters blink now. There will be more facial animations in the future.

-Added several new tutorials.


-Menus can now be closed with the same button that opened them.

-Hair no longer clips through helmets.

-Certain editor commands have been removed from the game. This includes the one triggered by the quicksave button.

-Fixed a few problems with the interaction system. You can no longer interact with hostile NPCs while they attack you. Neither can you start an interaction while your character is dead or unconscious.

-Removed a bug that allowed you to use alchemy modifiers without having them in your inventory.

-Stabilized the camera movement, when the framerate is low, especially in loading zones.

-Tutorials you already read will be moved at the bottom of the list.

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